• To impart high quality technical education and training that facilitate students to acquire in-depth knowledge, skills and expertise in the field of healthcare profession to serve society at large.
  • Meet the challenges of globalization.
  • Emphasize excellence in all disciplines.
  • Install timeless values of caliber, competence, confidence and conscience in budding pharmacist
  • To develop optimistic, dedicated, endowed and ethical pharmacy professionals to accomplish healthcare needs of the society.
  • To provide ultramodern education as well as training facilities to the upcoming pharmacists.

We are molding our student to face the ever-growing challenges of the academia, industry and society. Quality Policy focuses on:

  • Accomplishment of innovative teaching learning process for the students to meet the advancement of current health care profession by incorporating standard practices, Practical training and ethical codes.
  • Establishment of excellent infrastructure, computational & smart facilities to offer need-based training to meet the standard pharmacy practices.
  • To provide the scope for continuous quality improvement for raising lifelong learners to fulfill the upcoming needs and challenges in pharmacy profession and retaining dedicated, outstanding and diverse faculty and staff.